RPN Scientific is a calculator with many mathematical functions, mathematical and physical constants, units conversions and memory registers. Utilizes stack based postfix style architecture.
Added optional status line for buttons on main keypad.
Added button in upper right corner of window to display/hide status line.
Added option to choose fixed width for the numeric display.
Approximate hex, oct and bin numbers are displayed in red.
Added additional temperature and angle conversions.
Button icons now use sub-pixel antialiasing for better readability.
Added option to group digits for better readability.
Added option to increase and decrease size of text in Help Window.
Fixed data entry bug that prevented user from entering full number of digits in binary mode.
Fixed data entry bug in hex and octal modes, that incorrectly indicated the user was in ponential mode.
Fixed user interface bug that left buttons in conversion panel highlighted when they shouldn't have been.
Repaired alignment of input and output mode annunciators and xyzt mantissa fields.